Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Graduation and the New Wimbledon Theatre

So the end of a three-year marathon is drawing near, but thoughts of graduation are dwarfed by the Centenary show which is looming!

I am lucky to have a wide spectrum of performance opportunities within this show, from being a dead ancestor in ADDAMS FAMILY, to a Beverly Sister in SINATRA, and, most excitingly, embodying Bette Midler herself in her show-stopping number 'Showgirl Must Go On' from the BURLESQUE section!

I have got to say my favourite part was Bette - with a gorgeous white chiffon dressing gown, with feathered neckline and flowing sleeves, complete with a pink boa and gold turban to boot. Fabulous does not even begin to cover it!

Add to that the indulgence of having a stage full of Las Vegas showgirls framing you and providing sterling BVs and you can see how this number is a performer's dream.

I count myself very blessed to have been a part of this show, and am so grateful for my time at IC - I have improved ten-fold, discovered my identity as a performer and made some solid-gold friendships.

Photos to follow!